This product contains gluten. Attention: the composition of our products may change at any time. Cross-contamination is always possible.
Frequently bought together
Klein lang wit broodje
€ 2,10
Klein molenaars broodje
€ 2,25
Witte pistolet
€ 0,75
Grijze pistolet
€ 0,75
Maanzaad pistolet
€ 0,80
Vita pistolet
€ 0,90
Klein witte pistolet
€ 0,70
Sandwiche/zacht puntje
€ 0,80
Vierkante chocolade koffiekoek(pudding)
€ 1,85
Rijst vlaai (8pers)
€ 20,50
Biscuit slagroom taart rond (10pers)
€ 36,00
Paaseieren Puur 1/2 kg
€ 17,50